Lucy tells the best stories. They start and end the same every time and they go something like this,
Once upon a time, Mommy, Daddy, Lucy, and Ollie, good boy! Sammy, Olive, Andrew. Dancing. The End! Do you like the story Mommy? Want another one?
Once upon a time, Bambi, Thumper, rainbow, forest, they hide. The End! Do you like the story Mommy? Want another one?
Baby girl, yes, yes I do want another story. May I never be too busy to not listen to your magical tales, your imagination vocalized. And although I recognize the day may come, will probably come, inevitably comes when I'm not the first person you want to share your world with, may that day be long, long in the future. Because I want to hear about Thumper, and Bambi and Ollie. I want to know about your happiness and sadness, your discoveries and travels. And I want to remember always (always, always, always,) your sweet, lispy, voice, brimming with brightness, asking, "Another one Mommy? Again?"