Mikki and Braydon ~ Utah Family Session
It's the new year, and for some reason this post is all tied into life, and present-ness, moments, and you know, all THE THINGS that I/we want to be and feel and do. This post is a little bit about photo locations gone a bust, but more about baby kisses, and messy hair, and the imperfectly perfect moments that are gone before you know it. Lucky us, though, because there are a million more we get to experience. Life seems to be so meta lately, and anticipating the perfect Instagram image, and missing the real life happening behind it (guilty.) And so, when I look at these pictures I'm filled with happiness that an opportunity was not wasted to capture life--wonderful, crazy, spinning, running, joyous, stressful, incredibly real life. And although I'm not making any official resolutions this year, I guess I kind of am. Because I want to be experiencing my life in real time and not as I scroll through a social media feed (Oh, and more sleep! Always more sleep.)
So, Thank you, Mikki, Braydon, and littles, for letting me into your life and document this bit of time for you. You are amazing!
Happy New Year's!