Lindsey Stewart Photography

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Sometimes I forget to be thankful. It's easy to get caught up in worries and cares, that more often than not, I tend to focus on what I want, and not what I have. But Thanksgiving is a quiet little holiday, the calm between Halloween and Christmas, where I can spend time with family and re-focus on all the many joys and blessings in my life. So, here are a few things I'm thankful for this year,

-My daughter, Lucy, who stretches me in every way possible, but mainly in the growing and loving way. -Scott, who supports me, loves me, and listens to me list ways we can survive a Zombie Apocalypse (curse you Walking Dead.) -Our house, whose littleness often drives my crazy, but it is also the place where we brought Oliver home and then Lucy. Little mini-house, you are filled with memories. -Fresh produce and home cooked meals -Family and awesome friends, who are like family -Fresh starts -Books -A beautiful park across the street -Film and Polaroid cameras -Jobs that provide a place to call home -Bike rides -Summers -Mountains and campfires and S'mores -Modern medicine, and the many miracles it makes possible -Margherita pizzas -Oliver, our first baby -Space heaters, wool socks, and warm blankets to help me survive winter -Christmas lights -Inspiration, in all its many forms -Road trips -Warm baths -The Gospel in my life -And all the many wonderful people that come into my life each year, through this crazy thing I call a job.

I'm thankful for all these things and so many more. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!