Lindsey Stewart Photography

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I really love Halloween. Like a lot. And I feel so sad if we can't go and do every single Halloween adventure there is to be had, and adventures are what we have been having (Gardner Village, Cornbelly's, Caramel Apples! Parties! Parties!) I have been documenting it all, via Instagram (curse you for making me a lazy photographer you iPhone, you,) but one thing I didn't do this year, was coordinating costumes. I'm going to chalk it up to being 37 weeks pregnant, and throwing a birthday party for Lucy that nearly put me into labor. So here are some pictures from last year, which I never posted. Thank you Logan Walker for the wonderful photography. I'm in pictures so rarely, so why not be all decked out in pink when I finally decide to?

There is so much going on in our lives right now, and I keep meaning to put it all up here. More for me, than anyone else. Like how Lucy turned 3, and it was kinda of a big deal, or how about we still don't have that baby car seat, or about our dear Oliver, who is currently breaking our hearts. It will all get up here eventually. But in the meantime, here's Lucy and I, in all our glory.

All photos by Logan Walker Photography