a Christmas Memory
I used to work at a little photo studio. Six years ago was my first Christmas there, and the simple thing to say is, it was a hard year. The studio was small, and the owners, studio manager, and other photographer all were gone over Christmas. Which meant it was just me handling the photography end of the things. To make a common story even shorter, I was working 70+ hour weeks, and was often staying until 11PM or midnight. Sometimes later. I was tired, and stressed, and felt diminished in every way. We hadn't even put up a tree or any decorations, and had just hit our year mark of trying to have a baby (little did we know how long that journey would end up being.) Honestly, I just wished Christmas would be over. I didn't have much time off, but on the 23rd I carved out a little bit of space so Scott and I could get away for the evening. I meant to leave work around noon, but with one thing and another didn't get away until 3. And all I wanted to do was get away, far, far away. So we took a drive, to a little restaurant, that was 90 minutes away, up in Logan. If you haven't ever been to Logan, it's a beautiful little college town, tucked away in a valley. We love it for one of our favorites restaurants, Le Nonne, which always makes it worth the drive. Dinner was wonderful, and we ate lots of homemade pasta, and talked, and talked and I maybe answered my phone a few times, fielding problems the best I could. Afterwards, as we were walking to our car, a fresh snow was gently falling. It was freezing, which was no surprise, but the Christmas lights were on, and the town's main street was lit up. I dragged Scott the block it took to get to lights, and as we looked up, the Marquee on the old Utah Theater showed they were playing, "White Christmas" in 5 minutes. This was before Lucy, in more spontaneous times. And so we went in. And sat in the cold, drafty balcony, with about 20 other people. As I held Scott's hand, and listened to Bing Crosby sing, and watched Vera-Ellen dance, I fell in love all over again. In love with Christmas, and life, and Scott. I was utterly happy in that darkened theater. We didn't get home until after midnight, but it didn't matter. I was reminded that although life can be sad and hard and stressful, but there are beautiful moments of happiness in between. That Christmas is much more than just deadlines, and shipping lines, and printers that break down. I'm so grateful for that little moment, that really wasn't all that much, but meant so much to me.
Merry Christmas!
And the angles said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
-Luke, 2:10-14